Internet Addiction Treatment

Internet Addiction Treatment
We use the Internet every day. It is a convenient tool for connecting with others, viewing entertainment, and many other things. The Internet can also be misused and can lead to addictive behaviours.
Internet addiction is now so common that good and effective treatment approaches have been developed for it. The first step toward changing addictive behaviour is to admit that you have a problem. You are not alone. Therapists at our Clinic can help you regain control of your Internet behaviour.
How would you know if you need help for Internet addiction? Here are some things to watch for:
- you have felt guilty or ashamed because someone observed you using the Internet or happened to see your browser history
- you compulsively access adult video sites or gambling or gaming sites
- you feel fatigued and stressed during the day because of late-night web browsing
- you risk workplace repercussions because of inappropriate computer use
- the Internet is taking up too much of your time, money or energy
- important personal relationships are being neglected or harmed because of your Internet use
- when you try to stop or cut back on Internet use you get withdrawal symptoms
- when you are off-line more than usual you feel irritable, restless, or anxious
Need help with Internet Additction?
To get you started we can help find a therapist that is best suited for your needs.
Our therapists will work with you to design a treatment plan that will be right for you. You can learn skills to monitor and control your behaviour and also deal with the feelings of restlessness or irritability that will probably come up when you stop giving in to addictive behaviour. Your treatment program will be based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and other relapse prevention techniques. When your Internet use is under better control you will feel proud of yourself and you will have more time, energy, and money to the devote to the people you care about and to meet your other life goals.