What To Talk About: The Secret to Making New Friends

making new friends

Written by Dr. Paul Kelly, C.Psych.              July 22, 2024 Tell the right kind for stories to make new friends. Stories about familiar things are best. Learn why and how. Avoid the Novelty Penalty.   Table of Contents Should You Tell Familiar Stories or Novel Stories? What is a Familiar […]

The Secret to New Friends – Asking the Right Questions!

Asking the Right Questions

Written by Dr. Paul Kelly, C.Psych.              July 7, 2024 Asking questions is a powerful way to make friends. Ask the right questions and people will like you. Follow-up questions are best. Learn what questions to avoid.   Table of Contents How Questions Can Help You Make Friends Asking The […]

Embrace Your Beautiful Mess Effect: The Benefits of Vulnerability

benefits of vulnerability

Written by Dr. Paul Kelly, C.Psych.              July 2, 2024 We fear people will reject us if they know our flaws. This is usually wrong. People will like us more when we show our ‘messy’ bits. Discover the benefits of vulnerability. It can be your secret for closer relationships. and […]

Are you lonely because of your partner’s Smartphone?

By Dr. Paul Kelly, Updated September 4, 2023 Are you lonely because of your partner’s Smartphone? Brittany said “When we first moved in together Devlin used to get up every morning, make coffee, and bring us each a cup.  We would talk in bed and be cosy together.  I loved starting my day like that.  […]

How to Survive and Recover after an Affair

By Dr. Paul Kelly, Updated September 3, 2023 How to Survive and Recover after an Affair Many people have told me that their greatest heartache came when they discovered that their partner was having an affair.  If this has happened to you, then you know how intense and traumatizing it can feel.  I am writing […]